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Plant Names (Scientific Names)Thumbnail PreviewTraditional Uses
Acacia kamerunensis
Used for cleaning teeth.
Paullinia pinnata
Roots are used as an aphrodisiac. It is also used in the treatment of sores.
Griffonia simplicifolia
Leaves are used in the treatment of boil, fresh wound, sore in the head and insect stink.
Senna siamea
The leaves are used to treat malaria.
Boerhavia diffusa
The leaves are used to treat  boil.
Thevetia neriifolia
The leaves are used to treat headache.
Aspilia africana
The leaves are used in the treatment of  diarrhoea and stomach ulcer.
Solanum erianthum
The leaves are used to treat piles.

Anthocleista nobilis
The roots are used in the treatment of infectious disease of the throat (diphtheria) and also good for curing gonorrhea. “The leaves are used for aiding toddlers to walk”.

Thaumatococcus daniellii
The fruit obtained from the roots are eaten raw.
Nicotiana tabacum
Leaves are used to treat waist pains, toothache and headache.
Sporobolus pyramidalis
The root is used in the treatment ear problems, infertility and boil. It is also used to heal swellings. The leaves also help to stop bleeding from cuts.
Vitellaria paradoxa
Edible oil is extracted from the seed which is used in making food.
Senna occidentalis
The leaves are used in the treatment of fever, stomach ache and boil. The roots are also used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea and measles.
Seeds are used to treat hypertension.
Phyllanthus fraternus
Leaves are used in the treatment of typhoid and  fever. It is also taken to cure stomach pain and to facilitate child delivery.
Talinum triangulare
Leaves are used in making stews and soup.
Corchorus olitorius
The leaves are used as vegetable in making stews and salad.
Capsicum frutescens
Food: Used as a spice to flavour soup and stews.
Medicine: The fruits are taken to treat waist pains.
Piper guineense
Food: The dried fruits are used  as spice in stews and soup.
Medicine: The root is used in the treatment of cough and chest pains.
Justicia flava
  • Afama
Foods: Leaves are also used as a vegetable for stews and soup.
Medicines: Leaves are used in the treatment of stomach ache, menstrual disorders and also helps to stop bleedin.
Vernonia amygdalina
Food: Leaves are used as a vegetable in stews and soups.
Medicine: Leaves are used in the treatment of heartache, menstrual pain and for foetal strength. The leaves are also used to boost apetite.
Aframomum melegueta
Used as a spice in stews, porridge and soups.
Xylopia aethiopica
Fruit is used as a spice to flavour food.
Deinbollia grandifolia
  • Asikoto, Adwea
Fleshy fruit pulp is eaten as a fruit.
Pisonia aculeata
Bark is used in the treatment of cough, chest pains and also used as an aphrodiac (sexual weakness).
Taraxacum officinale
Food: Leaves are used as vegetable in making stews and salad.
Medicine: Leaves are used to treat heart diseases.
Pycnanthus angolensis
Bark is used to treat fever and rheumatism.  A decoction of the bark is taken to treat anaemia.
Alstonia boonei
Bark is used to treat measles.
Terminalia superba
Bark is used in the treatment of diarrhoea whilst leaves are used to treat fracture
Milicia excelsa
Bark is used in the treatmet of scabies and yaws.
Ficus exasperata
Bark is used to treat toothache. Leaves are used to treat cataract, cough, infertility. Leaves are also used to promote lactation. Latex from the bark is used in infant navel.
Ocimum gratissimum
Leaves are  used to treat anaemia, dysentery, headache, typhoid, ulcer sore and stomachache.
Azadirachta indica
Leaves are used in the treatment of fever and malaria.
Khaya spp.
The bark is widely used to treat waist pains, anaemia and hernia.
Morinda lucida
Stem is used to treat piles whilst leaves are used to treat fever.
Ocimum canum
Food: The leaves are used as a seasoning in stews and soups.
Medicine: Leaves are used to treat a number of ailments such as convulsion, fever, uticaria rush and asthma.
Theobroma cacao
Food: The young bud is used as vegetable in stews and soup.
Medicine: Root is used to treat cough.
Sida acuta
Leaves are used to stop blood resulting from wounds whilst roots are taken for foetal strength.
Voacanga africana
Fruit is used to treat headache. Roots are also used to treat  dysmenorrhoea.
Cola nitida
Food: Fruit is used as a stimulant when chewed to reduce fatigue, prevent hunger pangs, increase mental activity and reduce the need for sleep.
Medicine: Seed is used to treat shingles.
Manihot esculenta
Food: Young leaves are cooked as a vegetable. The tuberous root is boiled, fried and roasted.  The tuberous root is also boiled and used for making fufu.
Medicine: Leaves are used to treat fever and back pain.
Chromolaena odorata
The liquid from the leaves are used to stop blood resulting from wounds and it is also used to heal wounds. The leaves are used to cure stomach ache, preserve dead bodies and for the treatment of bilharzia. The roots are also used to cure waist pains.
Jatropha curcas
Roots and leaves are used in the treatment of convulsion.
Triplochiton scleroxylon
The young leaves are used as a vegetable in stews and soup.
Monodora myristica
Foods: The seeds are used as a condiment, seasoning, or spice in preparing stews and soups.
Medicines: Fruit is used to treat chain pains.
Psidium guajava
Food: Fresh ripe fruits are eaten raw.
Medicine: Leaves are used to treat measles, diarrhoea and small pox.
Tieghemella heckelii
Food: Edible oil is extracted from the seed which is used in making food.
Medicine: Seeds are used in the  treatment of hernia.
Elaeis guineensis
Food: Red palm oil extracted from fruit and palm kernel oil extracted from the seeds are extensively used in the preparation of food.  The fruits are also used to make palm nut soup.
Medicine: Yellow leaves are used in the treatment of anaemia and fever.  It is also used to remove poison and thorns from the body. Root is used as an aphrodisiac and for the treatment of piles. Leaves are taken to promote easy delivery in women
Terminalia catappa
Food: The ripe fruits are eaten raw.
Medicine: Leaves and bark are used in the treatment of fever.
Blighia sapida
Food: Seeds are eaten raw or fried and eaten as nut. Fruit pulp is also eaten raw or cooked.
Medicine: Bark is used to treat fever, hernia, headache and jaundice.
Parkia biglobosa
Food: Seeds are processed into a nutritious spice or condiment, which is used to prepare stews and soup.
Medicine: Seeds are also used to treat boils.
Ficus sur
Food: The leaves of Ficus sur are used for making palm soup.
Medicine: Leaves are used in the treatment of fever.
Tetrapleura tetraptera
Food: Fruit pulp is used for flavouring food especially soup.
Medicine: The fruits are used in the treatment of hypertension and headache.
Newbouldia laevis
Bark is used in the treatment of conditions such as fracture, menstrual pains, piles, and body pains.
Leaves are used to treat typhoid.
Allanblackia floribunda
The fat extracted from the seed is used in the preparation of food.
Artocarpus altilis
The fruit is cooked or roasted and eaten raw or with stew.
Spondias Mombin
  • Atoa
Food: The fuit pulp is eaten as a fruit.
Medicine: Bark is used in the treatment of fracture and convulsion. The bark also facilitates child delivery.
Synsepalum dulcificum
Food: The fruit pulp is used as a sweetener.
Medicine: The roots are used to treat waist pains. The leaves are used to treat measles.
Chrysophyllum africanum
Fruit pulp is eaten as a fruit.
Solanum torvum
  • Yaa Asantewaa
Food: Used as food in making stews and soup
Medicine: Leaves are used in the treatment of boils, asthma and anaemia. Young fruits are taken to treat anaemia.


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